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Do you want to be listed FIRST!

When you become a member at HotAirBalloonist.com you get to write topics.

For example
If you are a Balloon Ride Operator you will have a topic in your state Sub-Category under the Category "RIDES"

When you create your topic you are put at the top of the list.

HOWEVER, when someone else starts a topic about their balloon ride company they will then go to the top of the list and your topic will move down. This will continue as long as other members create new topics!


What if there was a way to make sure your listing was at the top of the pile all the time!

This is what PIN ME is.

Add this package to your membership and we will pin your topic to the top of the stack. For a small monthly fee you can assure your topic is the first one viewed when a visitor comes to your category.

NOTE! This is a first come first served item. If you are the first person in your category to purchase this package you will be listed as the #1 topic. If you are the second person in your category to purchase this package you will be listed #2 and so on.

Word on this one will spread fast so if you even slightly think you want this get it right now! As long as your credit card is on file and the monthly fee paid your topic will REMAIN at the top of the list.

Have a look around at the different categories and look at how many more views the first topic gets compared to the rest.


About PIN ME!

Do you want to be listed FIRST!

When you become a member at HotAirBalloonist.com you get to write topics.

For example
If you are a Balloon Ride Operator you will have a topic in your state Sub-Category under the Category "RIDES"


When you create your topic you are put at the top of the list.

HOWEVER, when someone else starts a topic about their balloon ride company they will then go to the top of the list and your topic will move down. This will continue as long as other members create new topics!


What if there was a way to make sure your listing was at the top of the pile all the time!


This is what PIN ME is.

Add this package to your membership and we will pin your topic to the top of the stack. For a small monthly fee you can assure your topic is the first one viewed when a visitor comes to your category.

NOTE! This is a first come first served item. If you are the first person in your category to purchase this package you will be listed as the #1 topic. If you are the second person in your category to purchase this package you will be listed #2 and so on.

Word on this one will spread fast so if you even slightly think you want this get it right now! As long as your credit card is on file and the monthly fee paid your topic will REMAIN at the top of the list.

Have a look around at the different categories and look at how many more views the first topic gets compared to the rest.

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