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Hidden on this Site!!! PLEASE READ!!

I was digging around on the site and found that Jeff is trying to raise donations to assist balloon events with Markers. If you go to the contact us link at the bottom of the page it will take you to some links. On of them is donate!!   Great cause that will help ballooning!! Help Jeff make another 1600 markers to be donated!!!   Oh by the way I am sure that it has not been cheap to build and maintain this web site but Jeff has done it on his own and out of his own pocket so that balloonists



Impala Project

Over the last 10 years my wife an I have both dealt with and Survived Cancer. This was very distructive to our finances. We have a wonderful Daughter Ryleigh that is working hard to earn enough money to get a 1967 Impala that she want to rebuild with me. This site was set up to try and find a way to help her get there a bit quciker as we do not have the financial ability to assist her.       http://www.gofundme.com/7d2658      



Hidden on this Site!!! PLEASE READ!!

I was digging around on the site and found that Jeff is trying to raise donations to assist balloon events with Markers. If you go to the contact us link at the bottom of the page it will take you to some links. On of them is donate!!   Great cause that will help ballooning!! Help Jeff make another 1600 markers to be donated!!!   Oh by the way I am sure that it has not been cheap to build and maintain this web site but Jeff has done it on his own and out of his own pocket so that balloonist



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