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Stuff we want everyone to know!!!!

Entries in this blog

How hard this is to do....

This is a very sad blog. As many of you know I suffered a massive stroke at the end of February 2020.  I spend most of march in the hospital starting off with 6 days in a coma.  I have now come out of the hospital Weak, Dizzy, Light Headed and unable to fly.   I am now on medication for high blood sugar. (Diabetes). I am on Medication for nerve pain,  I am on medication for High Blood pressure and a few others that I am unaware what they do but my wife puts them in my pill box and I take th



After the Stroke

I feel a little like Rick Jones from the TV show The Walking Dead.  I woke up in the hospital and the whole world had gone to shit.  I am recovering at home.  Besides the hospital and my home I have not been anywhere else in nearly three months.  The PANDEMIC and Stay at HOME stuff has not been a change in lifestyle for me since I am under House Arrest from Doctors orders.  The stroke I suffered has a very high percentage of DEATH associated with it.  I am a lucky lucky man.



Slowly but Surely

http://hotairballoonist.com/forum/index.php?/files/file/50-%7B?%7D/ So what do I have to do? I have created a site that has a thousand things to offer to the world of ballooning. Sales, Blogs, photo galleies, member information, contact information, maps, festivals, The list goes on and on... And yet trying to get people to become members is like pulling teeth. If a ride operator sells just one ride a year they have paid for thier membership. Balloon festivals can upload all thier docum



Weather Page.

When I go out to fly in the mornings I look at a bunch of weather stuff. I am trying to build a page on this site that will have all that weather information in one spot.   The goal is to have one page that will automatically detect where you are and load all the weather you need in one spot. The trick is getting the information to all load from many different sources onto one page. The other bit of code we need to figure out is how the user can choose their own source.   Let me explain how



Building Hot Air Balloonist

From time to time I bang my head against the desk wondering just what it is I have done. Today is one of those days.   Member map is not working and the only way I have found to get it to run is by opening a Firefox browser and clicking on member map. Then when the pop up windows open telling me a script can not run I select do not tell me again and stop script. After three windows have popped up and I have dismissed them the map works? I hope the developer comes up with a fix soon. The M



Enough is enough, Damn it!

Are we nuts? Honestly!   Why would you fly a passenger for someone else for anything less than what you would normally charge?   You work hard for every penny you get. Why should anyone else earn money for your efforts?   Sky Ride, Thrilliant, Bilateral, Spot Reservations Gadzuk, Any of these names ring a bell?   There are many operators (like me) who have lost thousands of dollars, in fact I would easily believe ten's of thousands on these guys.   Just don't do it. Honestly. When the



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