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Hidden on this Site!!! PLEASE READ!!



I was digging around on the site and found that Jeff is trying to raise donations to assist balloon events with Markers. If you go to the contact us link at the bottom of the page it will take you to some links. On of them is donate!!


Great cause that will help ballooning!! Help Jeff make another 1600 markers to be donated!!!


Oh by the way I am sure that it has not been cheap to build and maintain this web site but Jeff has done it on his own and out of his own pocket so that balloonists have a place on the web to call their own! Just saying!

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Thank you Jay, yes the hours spent and the money for modules, Ssl certificates, domains, hosting, back end memory and ancillary programs HAS been expensive but the capabilities of this site are fantastic and I am positive the balloon world will see and embrace the new online balloon world. Thank you for spending the time on here to realize what we have created and being a part of it.



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