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34th Annual GAA Balloon Safety Seminar

Scott Wooge
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Balloon Safety Seminars

Event details

GAA (Gateway Aerostatic Association) 34th ANNUAL Balloon Federation of America (BFA)




LOCATION: St. Luke’s United Methodist Church

2761 Telegraph Rd

(North of Hwy 255, west of Mississippi River about 1 mile)

St. Louis, MO 63128 314-892-6077


Web site: http://www.stlukesumcmo.org/ also has a map


DATE/TIME: February 22nd -Saturday 7:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. (Registration starts at 6:30 a.m.)


SPEAKERS: Ken Walter, Dean Carlton, Ryan Carlton, Adam Magee, Scott Wooge,

Phil Dixon, & Jon Carney. Plus 1 hour of ground crew safety training.


MEALS: Continental Breakfast & Lunch included (contact Scott for special meal needs)

FEE: $70.00 Pilots / $30.00 Crew (Both include yearly GAA Club dues)

(Walk in’s will be accepted, but cash only) Local GAA Club info is at: www.gaaballoons.com

MAIL Application & Check To: Gateway Aerostatic Association (GAA)


Attn: Scott Wooge

3609 Summer Brook Court

St. Louis, MO 63129-2300

Direct Questions to Seminar Chairperson: Roy Caton 314-308-4829 or roycaton49@gmail.com

WELCOME SOCIAL & GAA CLUB ANNUAL MEETING: for Early arrivals, local people &

anyone else! (~5:30pm-9pm) – The GAA will host a SOCIAL Time starting at 5:30pm & a Club

Election of Officers meeting at 7pm on Friday night 02/21 @ LTA Services, LLC (Repair Station) -

6117 Baumgartner Crossing, STL, MO 63129. Join us for ballooning fellowship, food, and good

times the night before the seminar.


Here is a link to download the application. Click HERE

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