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What is my Membership Type? 1.0.0

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About This File

On HotAirBalloonist.com your membership type determines a great deal about what you can and can not do.  Many areas of the site are only viewable by certain types of memberships.  Some areas you may be able to view and read but your membership does not allow you to post or reply.  There are many many levels of permission's on the site.  

Here is a brief explanation of permissions.

There is an area on this site for every aspect of the balloon world.  Pilots, Manufacturers, Dealers, Equipment for sale, Students, Clubs, DE’s, Insurance, Festivals, Crew, Ride Operators and more.  There are different membership levels for everyone.  Each membership has a set of permissions customized for that membership. 

The permissions are as follows.

View a topic,   Respond to a topic,   Start a topic,   Upload a file,   Download a file.

These 5 permissions have been set for each Category and Sub-Category on the site and for every membership.  To give you a little feel for the scope of this.  There are currently 35 main Categories, 250 Sub-Categories, 12 Modules, and 22 Member Groups.  That is a bunch of settings and there are 5 permission settings for each set.

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