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Equipment Transport.

This forum is for those who need stuff transported or have room to transport stuff. From time to time we all need a piece of equipment or something moved from where it is to where we need it. HERE is where you can post your needs.

Posting Rules

This forum is for balloon related topics.  You must be a Member or Registered Guest to start a topic.  Replies can be deleted by any moderator if found to be in poor taste or off topic.  You may add photos and hyperlinks to your postings so 226097685_1043178489761737_4200425696804736136_n.jpglong as they are also balloon related and apply to the original topic.  You may add Email Links also

We will use a three strike method for this category.  You will warned about bad behavior three times and then your email will be banned from the site.

Please conduct yourself accordingly.

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