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Weather Page.




When I go out to fly in the mornings I look at a bunch of weather stuff. I am trying to build a page on this site that will have all that weather information in one spot.


The goal is to have one page that will automatically detect where you are and load all the weather you need in one spot. The trick is getting the information to all load from many different sources onto one page. The other bit of code we need to figure out is how the user can choose their own source.


Let me explain how the auto detect works. Say your internet provider is located in a large city like Des Moines Iowa. And you are located in Ankeny Iowa. The auto detect will think you are in Des Moines because that is where your service originates from. So it may not give you the exact weather you want to see. So we must build into the code a way for the user to select their own weather source.


Here is a link to the temporary Mock up Weather Page.


Well I have outlined what we want for a weather page and have some code writing geeks trying to figure out if we can indeed do what i want to do. If we can it will be a one stop shop for getting a great idea if you are going to get a flight in.


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