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About BalloonRide

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    When you download this app there are pins in the map on some locations. If you tap on those pins a pop up message opens. This can be used for so many things. Fantastic to fly with and great for storing gate codes, owner phones and any other notes. Overall this is a fantastic tool for ALL FLYING AREAS around the country.
  1. View File Upload a File for Purchase This tutorial explains how to upload your file for purchase by others. You must have a membership that has these privileges. Pilot, Equipment sellers, Balloon Ride operators and a few other memberships have the privilege to upload files for sale. If you are not sure if your membership has that privilege log in and try to create a file for download. If you are unable to do so then contact us for a permission set. Submitter BalloonRide Submitted 09/02/2019 Category Video Tutorials  
  2. Version 1.0.0


    This tutorial explains how to upload your file for purchase by others. You must have a membership that has these privileges. Pilot, Equipment sellers, Balloon Ride operators and a few other memberships have the privilege to upload files for sale. If you are not sure if your membership has that privilege log in and try to create a file for download. If you are unable to do so then contact us for a permission set.
  3. Type in as much stuff as we like
  4. until
    This is my balloon event. I can use as much text as I want on this page. I can also put in EMAILS and I can insert HYPERLINKS in any text I want. I can also change the FONT and APPEARANCE I can insert PHOTOS. I CAN ALSO INSERT FILES IBA_2014.pdf APPLICATIONS and more. YOU CAN EVEN PUT A YOUTUBE VIDEO into your event listing. That's right! Just go to your youtube video and copy the full url and paste it into the Details editor and POOF you have a video in your event listing. Looks like this below
  5. Type the items that you want.
  6. This is an open club. Anyone can join the club. Log in and then click the JOIN CLUB button. You are now part of the club. A message will be sent to the club owner that you have joined. Now as a club member you can post topics and add events to the calendar. Click the FOLLOW button and you will be notified when ever another club member adds a topic or puts an event on the calendar or even responds to your topics.
  7. Sure would love for more people to get on here .  We all have something to ad to the site.


  8. I love the new layout.  So many great new features.

  9. BalloonRide


  10. This account is for viewing the site only.

  11. Lovely boomers today in Florida

  12. Happy 37 to Gina and happy 47 to Kim. We love you both
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