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  1. Listed this on the different FB pages and have had some interest and tire kickers, but want to make sure I have covered all the bases to get the word out on this basket, serious offers will be considered. Price Lowered today to $14,000 contact me at my home number (775)-853-4109 (land line so I don't text) or e-mail LilHal1@sbcglobal.net - 2011 Lindstrand 42 x 52 Flat-top "Ascot" Model - Trimmed in black smooth leather, woven floor with plywood and then covered that with a fitted padded floor. Three layers make the floor almost bullet proof (easily removed and put just some foam and cover in the floor to save weight). - Lindstrand 'Super Single' Burner, complete redundancy with 2 of everything, (main blast valves, liquid valves, pilot lights, pressure gauges and dual piezo ignition). Like a double burner in a single space and less weight. Perfect for the competition pilots or sport/pleasure but want the added power. - Very nice looking accent weave, rainbow theme - Fire Extinguisher - Black Scuff leather - Pole bag - Basket Down/Weather Cover makes it easy to transport in the back of a truck - Drop Line w/ Aerco Case - 2/ 15gal heated and padded tanks - Envelope ‘Clam Shell’ Weather Cover - Annual done August 1st of this year w/only a total 100-115 hours on this bottom end - New hoses August 2019 I am buying a complete system from a pilot in Albuquerque and taking delivery after Fiesta, and do not need this bottom end, most of the things I get from him will be sold with the basket, some I may swap out for what I am using but not really sure what I am getting so don’t know what will be included with the sale. Possibly a quick release (doubt I will need this, I like the way I do things now), refuel hose (same on this doubt I will need it, since I have one that works for my style and set up). I can connect you with the owner if you are serious about seeing the basket. Keep in mind it is the complete bottom end only. Around 115 hours on the basket, built in 2011 . Maintained by Aerco in Albq, fresh annual in August w/ new hoses.Save on transportation and pick it up after Fiesta in October. If I gotta bring it home to hold and sell later this will add to the ‘bottom line’.
  2. until
    Winnemucca Balloon Festival May 18-20 Winnemucca, Nevada 10 balloons Limited School presentations (3) (possible stipend to do school) Limited Glow (6) (possible stipend to glow) Fun fly with possibly fun competition tasks. Typical $100 show up money I am the contact and will be sending out last years pilots first then take them as they come in. Enjoy the day and enjoy the journey, Jeff Haliczer Pilot Coordinator Winnemucca Balloon Festival


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