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ginathompsonphotography last won the day on April 29 2013

ginathompsonphotography had the most liked content!

About ginathompsonphotography

  • Birthday 01/05/1977

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  • Location
    Winter Garden, Florida
  • Interests
    Family, Photography and Ballooning...!!

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  1. Become a member of Hotairballoonist.com....!

  2. I would love to go to the longview event someday
  3. Show some support for this FABULOUS ballooning website. Spread the word and share this website whereever and to whomever you can. Anyone involved with ballooning should be a member. It is beyond informative and has anything you need to know about ballooning, whether your a student pilot and need guidence, a pilot looking for balloon festivals, looking for sale items, or manufacturers, and repair stations etc. This site is so full of information and it continues to grow. As a ballooning community, this is the perfect place to socialize and catch up with fellow balloonists, or to get involved with the ballooning community. Keep the ballooning world informed, and continue to spread the knowledge of this great sport. HOTAIRBALLLOONIST.COM Gina Thompspon
  4. Show some support...!! Spread the word for this FABULOUS BALLOONING website! Share this page whereever and to whoever you can. It is very informative and everything you want or need to know about ballooning is here. Keep the ballooning world informed and educated. This site is not only a source of ballooning knowledge but is a fun place for everyone who is involved with ballooning to come just to socialize within a community that is about ballooning. So spread the word about HOT...

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