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LTA Instructor

From $2/month
HELP us help the next generation of LTA Enthusiasts!
Here is the best way to do it!
Become an LTA Instructor on the HotAirBalloonist.com site.  This membership allows you to post topics in MANY areas of the site.  It also allows you to add photos,create Blogs, Create a Balloon Club, Sell Equipment and MOST IMPORTANT, YOU can answer questions in the Student Pilot Study Desk.  This category has been set up just for the Student Pilots to ask questions from experienced pilots LIKE YOU!  Not only can you answer questions from student pilots you can UPLOAD files and any helpful items you think will help them along their trip to becoming a new pilot.
JOIN NOW and help us help them!  Watch the video tutorial about the FOLLOW FEATURE to understand how to best use your new LTA Instructors membership.

This Membership also allows the member to sell online files such as Photos, PDF's, Power point presentations and more.

If you go to the Store you can Click on this package for a monthly or yearly option.


About LTA Instructor

HELP us help the next generation of LTA Enthusiasts!

Here is the best way to do it!
Become an LTA Instructor on the HotAirBalloonist.com site.  This membership allows you to post topics in MANY areas of the site.  It also allows you to add photos,create Blogs, Create a Balloon Club, Sell Equipment and MOST IMPORTANT, YOU can answer questions in the Student Pilot Study Desk.  This category has been set up just for the Student Pilots to ask questions from experienced pilots LIKE YOU!  Not only can you answer questions from student pilots you can UPLOAD files and any helpful items you think will help them along their trip to becoming a new pilot.

JOIN NOW and help us help them!  Watch the video tutorial about the FOLLOW FEATURE to understand how to best use your new LTA Instructors membership.

This Membership also allows the member to sell online files such as Photos, PDF's, Power point presentations and more.

If you go to the Store you can Click on this package for a monthly or yearly option.

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