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Posts posted by hotairballoonist



    A Hot Air Balloonist Balloon School Membership.


    The Hot Air Balloonist Balloon School Membership is simply one of the most impressive memberships in this entire online community!  Your balloon School can operate entirely inside this site.  No more hassles trying to run a website or deal with someone else who is supposed to be taking care of your site.  No more costly fees.  Instant access for student members and complete control of School content!  You can even conduct online testing.  At $8 a month or a one time yearly fee of $90 you will be extremely challenged to find a better deal.


    Customize your personal space.  Ad a School logo or photos of yourself so everyone knows who you are.  Set your local time so postings will have a real time stamp on them.  Add information on the different ways other members can contact you outside the HotAirBalloonist.com site.  Add Age and gender and birth dates if you wish. Set background photos or custom colors for your personal area.  Create a custom signature with logo and email and contact information, so each post or topic you start will have your custom imprint on it.  Create a friends list.  Customize your space anyway you want.

    Create Topics your own custom Category.  We will create a custom category for your School.  We can create customized forums inside your School Category for you to post unlimited topics for your Students.  Create a forum for a student newsletter.  Create a forum for your school events.  Create a forum for your students with links to study assignments.  Upload diagrams for study or balloon photos and contact information.  The topics are unlimited.  With the viewer bread crumb trail you will even know what students have viewed each topic.

    Custom School Calendar!  We will create a calendar just for your School.  You can upload events and make as many event listings on your personal calendar as you like.  Update and add more events at any time.  Include links, contact information, times and locations and any information you would like. You are in complete control of your custom Calendar.

    PASSWORD PROTECTED FORUMS.   Want to have forums that only your Students can view.  We can make any of your custom forums require a password before it can be viewed!  This is a biggie!  You can have public forums so the general public and potential student members can view and you can have PASSWORD PROTECTED FORUMS that only your students with the proper password can enter. 

    Create a photo gallery all about your ballooning.  Link your photo gallery to your School Forum!  Add descriptions of the photos about where and when they were taken. 

    Create a blog about your ballooning or an event you are attending.  Our Blog center is quite complex and will allow you to be quite creative in sharing your adventures

    Use the Online Chat Room.  Stop in and see who is there.  Join or start a conversation with other balloon enthusiasts.

    Create a PRIVATE Chat room for only your Students.  That’s right.  You can have a private chat room just for you club.  Pick a time and date for all your club members to get together and have an online meeting.  You can even save a transcript of the chat room if you wish to post in your private forum for other members who could not attend! 

    Stick a pin in the Member Map.  The Member Map is a Google powered map with pins from members all over the country.  Have a look around and see where other pilots and events are around the country. 

    Browse the Equipment 4Sale category.  Look for things you may need.  Respond to topics started by others and ask any questions you would like from those who have equipment for sale. Help your students find that perfect starter balloon!

    Online Testing.  Have questions you want your students to answer. Create an online poll.  Ask questions and then give mutable choice answers just like on the real exam.  Custom make each poll for any student you want or let them all take the quiz at once.  Best of all your students can see the results instantly at the completion of the quiz.  This one is a great and fun feature of the site.

    Start a private poll in your password protected Forum.  Have a few questions you want to find out what your students think?  Ask those questions in a poll.  Get honest answers from your since the poll is completely anonymous.  See the votes without knowing who voted for what.  Best of all you can do it in a private password protected topic where only your students can participate.

    Check on current news on the Current Events page.  See new articles written by other balloonists and see what news is in the headlines from all over the world with our continuous news feed called In the Headlines.

    Have a look around the online BALLOON STORE.  Find items you may not find elsewhere. 

    Load a link to your favorite online balloon video in our Media section on the Current Events page.

    Download or upload applications, maps, forms, and many other items available in the Download section of the site.  Have forms or maps or study guides that you would like to make available to your Students.  Upload them into your custom category in the download section of HotAirBalloonist.com.  Upload them one time and they are available to your students at any time.

    Have a look at the member page to see if your friends are also members and interact with them by sending them a note or an email.

    Look on the calendar and find upcoming balloon events, festivals, safety seminars and many other things listed on several calendars available on the site.

    Interact with any of the dozens and dozens of categories on the topics page.  Help answer a question from a student pilot in the Student Lounge.  Spread your knowledge and help others become better pilots.

    Start Topics in the Balloon Owners and Operators Category.    Share your tips and advice for maintenance.  Help your students from making costly mistakes and shortening the life of their balloon.

    Start a topic in the tips and tricks category.  Tell us about a learning experience you have had and spread your knowledge for the entire balloon world.


    As you can see the Balloon School Membership can offer the ability to run your School almost completely within the HotAirBalloonist community.  This allows you to have a private password protected area for your Student activities and be connected to a much wider balloon world at the same time.  The most value comes from your ability to have private password protected areas and ability to create sample testing for your students and the document center for file downloads.  At $8 a month or a one time yearly fee of $90 it is nearly impossible to find a better deal or more simple way to operate a balloon school online.  Call us any time and we can explain this fantastic membership and answer your questions about how it can work for you.

    This really is an amazing site with so much potential the pricing to become a member is honestly extremely cheap to have all of functionality and resources in one location.  Become a member NOW!  You will be glad you did.  Our support is fantastic.  If you have troubles you can get answers most often in minutes.



  2. A Hot Air Balloonist Pilot Membership.


    The Hot Air Balloonist Pilot Membership is a great value.  The permissions you receive will allow you to post topics and replies in most areas of the site.  You may need to read this twice to fully understand all the things you can do.  At only $4 a month or a one time yearly fee of $45 you can be connected and participate with pilots around the country. Here is a list of what you can do.


    • Customize your personal space.  Ad your logo or photos so everyone knows who you are.  Set your local time so postings will have a real time stamp on them.  Add information on the different ways other members can contact you outside the HotAirBalloonist.com site.  Add Age and gender and birth dates if you wish. Set background photos or custom colors for your personal area. Create a friends list.  Customize your space anyway you want.
    • Full use of the Download Center.  As Pilot Member, you have full use of the download center. Download applications to event, Insurance Forms, FAA Forms, and many other items instantly available to you with a click of a mouse.  You can also upload any forms you want available for others.  The download center can be a very useful tool that allows all your forms to be downloaded by the user who needs those files.  No more emailing attachments.  Just send them a note with instructions of where to go! 
    • Create your custom Signature.  This will be posted at the end of any topic you start or on any reply you make to another topic.  It will identify for everyone that YOU are the one making the comments.
    • Create a photo gallery all about your Event.  Link your photo gallery to your Balloon event topic in the events category!  Add descriptions of the photos about where and when they were taken. 
    • Create a blog about your ballooning or favorite event!  Our Blog center is quite complex and will allow you to be quite creative in sharing your adventures and event.
    • Use the Online Chat Room.  Stop in and see who is there.  Join or start a conversation with other balloon enthusiasts.
    • Write an article about any aspect of ballooning.  Share your past experiences with others.  Help explain something you have experienced firsthand.  Write a short story about one of your balloon adventures.  The Current Events page is the perfect place to share stories with the entire balloon world.  You can also find current balloon events that hit the headlines in the Ballooning in the Headlines section of the Current Events page.
    • Stick a pin in the Member Map.  The Member Map is a Google powered map with pins from members all over the country.  Have a look around and see where other pilots and events are around the country. 
    • Browse the Equipment 4Sale category.  Look for things you may need.  Respond to topics started by others and ask any questions you would like from those who have equipment for sale.
    • Start a poll in the Polling forum.  Have a question that you want honest answers.  Go to the Polling Forum on the topics page and start a topic about your question.  Add a poll to your topic for others to choose any of multiple answers you have given.  See the results in a real time format and get an honest opinion since the voting is done anonymously.
    • Check on current news on the Current Events page.  See new articles written by other balloonists and see what news is in the headlines from all over the world with our continuous news feed called In the Headlines.
    • Have a look around the online BALLOON STORE.  Find items you may not find elsewhere. 
    • Load a link to your favorite online balloon video in our Media section on the Current Events page.
    • Have a look at the member page to see if your friends are also members and interact with them by sending them a note or an email.
    • Look on the calendar and find upcoming balloon events, festivals, safety seminars and many other things listed on several calendars available on the site.
    • Interact with any of the dozens and dozens of categories on the topics page.  Help answer a question from a student pilot in the Student Lounge. Voice your opinion on a wide range of topics or start a new one you thing needs to be discussed.  

    As you can see there are some amazing things available with a Pilot Membership.  A bargain price for a site you can find everything you want in one place.  Become a Pilot member today.

    This really is an amazing site with so much potential the pricing to become a member is honestly extremely cheap to have all of functionality and resources in one location.  Become a member NOW!  You will be glad you did.  Our support is fantastic.  If you have troubles you can get answers most often in minutes.


  3. A Hot Air Balloonist Student Pilots Membership.


    The Hot Air Balloonist Student Pilots Membership is a membership with powerful permissions and great overall access.  The permissions you will allow you to post topics and replies in most areas of the site.  There is a complete category just for you where pilots from all over the country can participate and help you attain your goal of becoming a pilot.   At only $10 a month or a one time yearly fee of $100 the arsenal of information at your fingertips is like none other. You can be connected and participate with balloonists around the country who’s knowledge base is endless. Here is a list of what you can do.


    • Customize your personal space.  Ad your logo or photos so everyone knows who you are.  Set your local time so postings will have a real time stamp on them.  Add information on the different ways other members can contact you outside the HotAirBalloonist.com site.  Add Age and gender and birth dates if you wish. Set background photos or custom colors for your personal area. Create a friends list.  Customize your space anyway you want.
    • Create custom topics in the Student Pilot Lounge.   Read the questions other students have made.  Create your own topics with the questions you have for other pilots to help answer.  Study information posted by instructors and balloon schools around the country.  The student pilot lounge is designed to be an information hub for your journey to becoming a pilot.
    • Full use of the Download Center.  As a Student Pilot Member, you have full use of the download center. Download applications to event, Insurance Forms, FAA Forms, and many other items instantly available to you with a click of a mouse.  Download any file for FREE.
    • Create your custom Signature.  This will be posted at the end of any topic you start or on any reply you make to another topic.  It will identify for everyone that YOU are the one making the comments.
    • Create a photo gallery all about your ballooning adventures.  Create a personal photo gallery!  Add descriptions of the photos about where and when they were taken. 
    • Create a blog about your ballooning or favorite event!  Our Blog center is quite complex and will allow you to be quite creative in sharing your adventures and event.
    • Use the Online Chat Room.  Stop in and see who is there.  Join or start a conversation with other balloon enthusiasts.
    • Write an article about any aspect of ballooning.  Share your past experiences with others.  Help explain something you have experienced firsthand.  Write a short story about one of your balloon adventures.  The Current Events page is the perfect place to share stories with the entire balloon world.  You can also find current balloon events that hit the headlines in the Ballooning in the Headlines section of the Current Events page.
    • Stick a pin in the Member Map.  The Member Map is a Google powered map with pins from members all over the country.  Have a look around and see where other pilots and events are around the country. 
    • Browse the Equipment 4Sale category.  Look for things you may need.  Respond to topics started by others and ask any questions you would like from those who have equipment for sale.  Find that perfect starter balloon for your training.  Ask questions about a balloon for sale from the seller.
    • Start a poll in the Polling forum.  Have a question that you want honest answers.  Go to the Polling Forum on the topics page and start a topic about your question.  Add a poll to your topic for others to choose any of multiple answers you have given.  See the results in a real time format and get an honest opinion since the voting is done anonymously.
    • Check on current news on the Current Events page.  See new articles written by other balloonists and see what news is in the headlines from all over the world with our continuous news feed called In the Headlines.
    • Have a look around the online BALLOON STORE.  Find items you may not find elsewhere. 
    • Load a link to your favorite online balloon video in our Media section on the Current Events page.
    • Have a look at the member page to see if your friends are also members and interact with them by sending them a note or an email.
    • Look on the calendar and find upcoming balloon events, festivals, safety seminars and many other things listed on several calendars available on the site.
    • Interact with any of the dozens and dozens of categories on the topics page.  Get answers to questions from other student pilots or ask you own in the Student Lounge. Voice your opinion on a wide range of topics or start a new one you thing needs to be discussed. Ask questions of your own!

    As you can see there are some amazing things available with a Student Pilots Membership.  A bargain price for a site you can find everything you want in one place.  Become a member today.


    This really is an amazing site with so much potential the pricing to become a member is honestly extremely cheap to have all of functionality and resources in one location.  Become a member NOW!  You will be glad you did.  Our support is fantastic.  If you have troubles you can get answers most often in minutes.




    A Hot Air Balloonist Crew Membership.


    The Hot Air Balloonist Crew Membership is one of the most affordable memberships on the site.  At $2 a month it comes with most of the permissions of a Pilot membership!  If you are part of a balloon team and want to share your storys and interact with other crew around the country this is a great way to do all sorts of wonderful things at a bargain price.  Here is the list of benefits for the Crew Membership.


    • Customize your personal space.  Ad a company logo or photos of yourself so everyone knows who you are.  Set your local time so postings will have a real time stamp on them.  Add information on the different ways other members can contact you outside the HotAirBalloonist.com site.  Add Age and gender and birth dates if you wish. Set background photos or custom colors for your personal area.  Create a custom signature with logo and email and contact information, so each post or topic you start will have your custom imprint on it.  Create a friends list.  Customize your space anyway you want.
    • Create your Own topics in the Crew Lounge.  Go to the 4Sale Category and build your own topic.  Insert photos, text, links, emails, phone numbers and anything you want to make your page stand out from the others.  This is your Equipment For Sale advertisement and you can create it any way you would like.  Go back and change it every day if you want.  It is yours to edit and alter at any time while you are a member on the site.
    • Create a photo gallery all about your ballooning.  Link your photo gallery to your Balloon Ride Operators Topic!  Add descriptions of the photos about where and when they were taken. 
    • Create a blog about your ballooning or an event you are attending.  Our Blog center is quite complex and will allow you to be quite creative in sharing your adventures
    • Use the Online Chat Room.  Stop in and see who is there.  Join or start a conversation with other balloon enthusiasts.
    • Stick a pin in the Member Map.  The Member Map is a Google powered map with pins from members all over the country.  Have a look around and see where other pilots and events are around the country. 
    • Browse the Equipment 4Sale category.  Look for things you may need.  Respond to topics started by others and ask any questions you would like from those who have equipment for sale.
    • Start a poll in the Polling forum.  Have a question that you want honest answers.  Go to the Polling Forum on the topics page and start a topic about your question.  Add a poll to your topic for others to choose any of multiple answers you have given.  See the results in a real time format and get an honest opinion since the voting is done anonymously.
    • Check on current news on the Current Events page.  See new articles written by other balloonists and see what news is in the headlines from all over the world with our continuous news feed called In the Headlines.
    • Have a look around the online BALLOON STORE.  Find items you may not find elsewhere. 
    • Load a link to your favorite online balloon video in our Media section on the Current Events page.
    • Download applications, maps, forms, and many other items available in the Download section of the site.
    • Have a look at the member page to see if your friends are also members and interact with them by sending them a note or an email.
    • Look on the calendar and find upcoming balloon events, festivals, safety seminars and many other things listed on several calendars available on the site.
    • Interact with any of the dozens and dozens of categories on the topics page.  Help answer a question from a student pilot in the Student Lounge.
    • Start a topic in the tips and tricks category.  Tell us about a learning experience you have had and spread your knowledge for the entire balloon world.


    As you can see there are many things a Ground Crew Membership can do.  At $2 a month it is just about the best value on the entire site.  Get connected today.


    This really is an amazing site with so much potential the pricing to become a member is honestly extremely cheap to have all of functionality and resources in one location.  Become a member NOW!  You will be glad you did.  Our support is fantastic.  If you have troubles you can get answers most often in minutes.


  5. A Hot Air Balloonist General Membership.


    The Hot Air Balloonist General Membership is a membership with limited permissions but great overall access.  The permissions of a general membership will allow you to post topics and replies in many areas of the site.  At only $2 a month or a one time yearly fee of $20 you can be connected and participate with balloonist's around the country. Here is a list of what you can do.


    • Customize your personal space.  Ad your logo or photos so everyone knows who you are.  Set your local time so postings will have a real time stamp on them.  Add information on the different ways other members can contact you outside the HotAirBalloonist.com site.  Add Age and gender and birth dates if you wish. Set background photos or custom colors for your personal area. Create a friends list.  Customize your space anyway you want.
    • Full use of the Download Center.  As General Member, you have full use of the download center. Download applications to event, Insurance Forms, FAA Forms, and many other items instantly available to you with a click of a mouse. 
    • Create your custom Signature.  This will be posted at the end of any topic you start or on any reply you make to another topic.  It will identify for everyone that YOU are the one making the comments.
    • Create a photo gallery all about your ballooning adventures.  Create a personal photo gallery!  Add descriptions of the photos about where and when they were taken. 
    • Create a blog about your ballooning or favorite event!  Our Blog center is quite complex and will allow you to be quite creative in sharing your adventures and event.
    • Use the Online Chat Room.  Stop in and see who is there.  Join or start a conversation with other balloon enthusiasts.
    • Write an article about any aspect of ballooning.  Share your past experiences with others.  Help explain something you have experienced firsthand.  Write a short story about one of your balloon adventures.  The Current Events page is the perfect place to share stories with the entire balloon world.  You can also find current balloon events that hit the headlines in the Ballooning in the Headlines section of the Current Events page.
    • Stick a pin in the Member Map.  The Member Map is a Google powered map with pins from members all over the country.  Have a look around and see where other pilots and events are around the country. 
    • Browse the Equipment 4Sale category.  Look for things you may need.  Respond to topics started by others and ask any questions you would like from those who have equipment for sale.
    • Start a poll in the Polling forum.  Have a question that you want honest answers.  Go to the Polling Forum on the topics page and start a topic about your question.  Add a poll to your topic for others to choose any of multiple answers you have given.  See the results in a real time format and get an honest opinion since the voting is done anonymously.
    • Check on current news on the Current Events page.  See new articles written by other balloonists and see what news is in the headlines from all over the world with our continuous news feed called In the Headlines.
    • Have a look around the online BALLOON STORE.  Find items you may not find elsewhere. 
    • Load a link to your favorite online balloon video in our Media section on the Current Events page.
    • Have a look at the member page to see if your friends are also members and interact with them by sending them a note or an email.
    • Look on the calendar and find upcoming balloon events, festivals, safety seminars and many other things listed on several calendars available on the site.
    • Interact with any of the dozens and dozens of categories on the topics page.  Help answer a question from a student pilot in the Student Lounge. Voice your opinion on a wide range of topics or start a new one you thing needs to be discussed. Ask questions of your own!

    As you can see there are some amazing things available with a General Membership.  A bargain price for a site you can find everything you want in one place.  Become a member today.


    This really is an amazing site with so much potential the pricing to become a member is honestly extremely cheap to have all of functionality and resources in one location.  Become a member NOW!  You will be glad you did.  Our support is fantastic.  If you have troubles you can get answers most often in minutes.


  6. A Registered guest will give you a minimal set of permissions. 


    You can reply to some of the topics in different categories.  You are allowed to post photos in the gallery.  You can use the current events page.  You are also allowed to use the online Chat Room.  A Registered Guest can not start new topics of discussion but you can reply and ask questions about topics that members have already started.  A Registered Guest can also participate in the various Polls in the Polling Room. 


    A Registered Guest is a good way to get a feel for the site and learn exactly what type of membership will fit your needs the best. 




  7. This election poll is being done electronically. 


    Since you are here we must assume that you live in this region and have a right to vote in this category. 


    You will only be able to vote once. 


    If you select "Other" please respond to this topic with the name of your Other and the position




    BFA President Jeff Thompson


    That is all that is needed to cast a vote for another person.


  8. This election poll is being done electronically. 


    Since you are here we must assume that you live in this region and have a right to vote in this category. 


    You will only be able to vote once. 


    If you select "Other" please respond to this topic with the name of your Other and the position




    BFA President Jeff Thompson


    That is all that is needed to cast a vote for another person.


  9. History of The "Balloon"


    On the 19th of September 1783, Pilatre De Rozier, a scientist, launched the first hot air balloon called 'Aerostat Reveillon'. The passengers were a sheep, a duck and a rooster and the balloon stayed in the air for a grand total of 15 minutes before crashing back to the ground.


    The first manned attempt came about 2 months later on 21st November, with a balloon made by 2 French brothers, Joseph and Etienne Montgolfier. The balloon was launched from the centre of Paris and flew for a period of 20 minutes. The birth of hot air ballooning!!!


    Just 2 years later in 1785 a French balloonist, Jean Pierre Blanchard, and his American co pilot, John Jefferies, became the first to fly across the English Channel. In these early days of ballooning, the English Channel was considered the first step to long distance ballooning so this was a large benchmark in ballooning history.


    Unfortunately, this same year Pilatre de Rozier (the world's first balloonist) was killed in his attempt at crossing the channel. His balloon exploded half an hour after takeoff due to the experimental design of using a hydrogen balloon and hot air balloon tied together. (no need to worry! Technology assures safety!).



    Science Behind it


          If you actually need to get somewhere, a hot air balloon is a fairly impractical vehicle.You can't really steer it, and it only travels as fast as the wind blows. But if you simply want to enjoy the experience of flying, there's nothing quite like it. Many people describe flying in a hot air balloon as one of the most serene, enjoyable activities they've ever experienced.


          Hot air balloons are also an ingenious application of basic scientific principles.  Hot air balloons are based on a very basic scientific principle: warmer air rises in cooler air. Essentially, hot air is lighter than cool air, because it has less mass per unit of volume. A cubic foot of air weighs roughly 28 grams (about an ounce). If you heat that air by 100 degrees F, it weighs about 7 grams less. Therefore, each cubic foot of air contained in a hot air balloon can lift about 7 grams. That's not much, and this is why hot air balloons are so huge -- to lift 1,000 pounds, you need about 65,000 cubic feet of hot air.



  10. HallOfFameWall2012.JPG

    The inductees for 2013 US Ballooning Hall of Fame are Denny Floden of Michigan, Bill Murtorff (Deceased), and Clayton Thomas of Massachusetts. The induction will be July 28th, 2013, starting 1:00pm to 3:00pm. The Museum is having an Open House from 12:30pm to 4:00pm.  We hope you will be able to join us for this wonderful celebration.

    Select a Hall of Fame Member below to view their profile.

    2013 - Dennis E. Floden
    2013 - William (Bill) Murtorff
    2013 - Dr. Clayton Lay Thomas

    2012 - Carol Rymer Davis
    2012 - Dr. William (Bill) Grabb
    2012 - Matt Wiederkehr
    2011 - Ben L. Abruzzo
    2011 - Maxie Anderson
    2011 - Dewey Reinhard
    - Anthony M. "Tony" Fairbanks
    2010 - Joseph W. "Joe" Kittinger, Jr.
    2010 -
    Thomas A. F. Sheppard
    2009 - Karl H. Stefan
    2009 -
    Lucy Luck Stefan
    2009 - Jim Winker
    2008 - Captain Eddie Allen
    2008 -
    Tracy Barnes
    2007 - Malcolm Stevenson Forbes
    2007 -
    Deke Sonnichsen
    2006 - Bruce Comstock
    2006 - Peter Pellegrino
    2005 - Sidney D. (Sid) Cutter
    2005 -
    Don N. Kersten
    2004 - Paul E. (Ed) Yost
  11. I have been using an IPad for my flying lately and have found it to be a real asset.  There are two programs I have found that are fantastic for use on the IPad and on the IPhone. 


    The first is called simple HOT AIR.  It is a flight recorder that can be used as a log book for lack of a better explanation.  It uses the GPS capabilities of your IPad to track your flight. You turn it on and it records your altitude and flight direction and speed and flight time and distance from launch to land.  If that were not impressive enough it also allows you to write in your launch site name and landing site name and crew members  and aircraft number and many other details you don't get to log in your real log book.  I think it was free but even if its 5 bucks it worth it.


    The next program I found was YOU ARE HERE.  This program allows you to upload on your device the digital version of the competition map.  (you will have to ask your event organizer for a digital copy)  Once you load the map into the program you tap on the screen to let the program know where you are then move to a different location tap the map again and after a few locations your map has been scaled to the area you are in and becomes extremely accurate.  Great for flying in areas where there are many Prohibitive Zones (or PZ's)  Helps you find yourself on the competition map in seconds.


    Send me an email if you have questions about this. 


    O the mounts I use on the balloon are RAM mounts.  They are made for the IPad an IPhone and work GREAT!

  12. Navigation Structure at HotAirBalloonist.com

    The MAIN (or Forums) page is where you will find all the Category's

    Here is a description of the different levels in the Forum

    We have Category’s > Sub-Category's > Forums > Topics.



    A "Category" is a basic area of conversation or information. 

    For Example “Equipment Sales”.  Equipment Sales would be a Category.



    There are lots of types of "Equipment" for sale in the Balloon world so inside the Category “Equipment Sales” you may have several other “Sub Categories” like Baskets or Burners or Full Systems and so on. So "Full Systems" would be the "Sub Category" inside the category Equipment Sales


    For example. “Equipment Sales > Full Systems

    This would be  "Category > Sub Category



    Forums are found inside the Sub Category’s like “69K or less or 70K to 90K and so on.  These would be specific forums that members would create topics of disscussion inside. The "69K or less" is the "Forum."


    For example. “Equipment Sales > Full Systems > 69k or less. 

    This would be  "Category > Sub Category > Forum"




     Inside the “Forum” is where you find the “Topics.”  There is no limit on how many “Topics” can be inside a Forum.  If you had a balloon for sale and it was an Aerostar Aurora 54 you might create a topic called Aerostar 54 Mint.

    The “Aerostar 54 Mint” would be the “Topic.”


    “Equipment Sales > Full Systems > 69Kor less > Aerostar 54 Mint”

          This would be  "Category > Sub Category > Forum > Topic"


    Topics are written by the Members of HotAirBalloonist.com.

    In this case the ”Topic” would be the actual balloons the members would have for sale.  Each “Topic” can be replied to by other members asking questions or making offers to purchase. 

    All “Topics” are created and controlled by the member who made the topic in the first place.  So when you list a balloon for sale you have the ability to alter the topic or add content to the topic or even remove the topic when the balloon is sold.


    Please keep in mind that anyone who visits HotAirBalloonist.com can see your topic.

    The general public who are not members of HotAirBalloonist.com can view all of your information.  Only Members can Reply or ask questions about your topic.  So include your contact information like phone or email in the topic you create so everyone can get in touch with you.


    Also remember the FOLLOW THIS feature!Follow1.jpg

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