About This File
The FOLLOW Feature
This is one of the greatest features on the entire site. This feature allows YOU "The Member" to choose what you want to be informed of and to limit the number of emails you receive from the site. You can Follow just about anything, from entire categories to single topics, even your own postings and more. Follow a calendar of events or follow the news category or even a balloon club. Follow a PZ map at a balloon event!
Choose the items that interest you. When you have found an answer or wish to no longer receive emails just, UN - Follow when you want. There are many many balloonists who are part of the "Reflector" email system. On HotAirBalloonist you can use the Follow this topic or Follow this Forum feature to do the same thing. Any topic or any forum you are interested in you can simply check the box at the top of the first entry. Once you have checked this box anytime someone adds a new topic or a new reply, you get an instant email notice with the actual comments that were posted in the forum or topic you are following. Choose the items you want to hear about and if you get tired of a subject or you have found the answer you were looking for you just select UN-FOLLOW and poof no more emails. Say on top of what you want without getting tons of emails about stuff you don't what to hear about.
This feature has all the benefit of the reflector with YOU in the drivers seat!
Remember that when you post a topic make sure the Follow box is checked to receive instant notifications when a reply to your post has been made! Unlike the reflector you can add photos to your topics too!