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Posts posted by hotairballoonist

  1. FOR SALE  6 Motorola SP50 portable radios.  Three with belt clips for crew use and 3 with remote microphone for Pilot use.  Each has 10 channels.  Each Radio has 4 broadcast and receive channels and 6 per-programed weather channels for NOAA.  No matter were you go in the US you will be able to find an FM weather broadcast. 

    SP50 manuel.jpgRadios.png

    Asking $450 for the 6 radios.  Will include the 3 Remote microphone speakers and a 6 bank charging unit.  Radios all have matching frequency programs.

    Please no phone calls.  Text me at 407-421-9322 or email at Info@ThompsonAire.com

  2. Asking $950.00  (SOLD)

    I have used this fan for nearly 10 years.  Never a glitch.  Always starts on first pull.  Oil changed yearly.  9HP with 30 inch prop.  This is an air pushing monster.  6 blade 30 inch prop.  You can fill your balloon with the fan on idle!  I am in the central Florida (Disney World) area.


    Please no phone calls. (recovering from a stroke)  Text me at 407-421-9322 or email at Info@ThompsonAire.com  Thank you.

  3. 2006 Ford E350 XLT Balloon van.  (SOLD)

    • 130K miles. 
    • New Tires, 
    • Helium tank.
    • Hydraulic lift gate (1000 LB) 
    • FM radio Motorola CM300.  Currently has 4 FM channels and 6 weather channels. 
    • Brakes done last year. 
    • Dark Tinted windows.
    • Electric Windows and Door Locks
    • Cruse Control
    • Steering wheel radio controls
    • Has some rear quarter panel rust. 
    • Ice Cold A/C
    • Rear Seat has been removed and Envelope and Inflation Fan are stored in that space.
    • Van will seat 11 people

    This vehicle is extremely mechanically sound.  Drives straight as an arrow and no shimmy or shake.  Would not hesitate for a second to drive cross country and back.  This van sat in the driveway for 4 months and started first time.  For sale $7,000.00.  Will drive up to 200 miles from Central Florida to deliver



    You may email me or text me questions.  Please no phone calls.  You may ask why I am selling this van and that is a fair question.  On February 25th I suffered a stroke.  I was in intensive care on life support for 6 days.  I was not let out of the hospital till nearly the end of March.  I have spent the last two months trying to recover.  At this time it is highly likely that I will never get to fly commercially again.  I am posting this as of May 28th and I have still not been cleared by my doctor to drive.  The Blue Book value for this van is $6,500.00  I am asking $7,000.00.  This includes the $3,000.00 lift gate on the back of the van that is not considered in the Blue Book Value.

    Text me at 407-421-9322.

    Email me at CaptJeff@ThompsonAire.com

    I will also be listing Inflation Fans, Trailers and maybe another van like this one.

    We have started to remove the lettering.  Van is ready for pickup.


    Lettering is all off.  Van is ready to go!


  4. Building Basket Curtains

    View File

    This is a power point presentation on the construction of basket curtains.  We realize that there are many ways you can create basket curtains.  This is just a quick power point we made up to show the process we went thru.  So far the comments from the field (No real pun intended) are good.  The curtains were well received by pilots, passengers and the crew.  If you wish for us to create curtains for your basket please send us a note at Info@HotAirBalloonist.com


  5. Equipment For SALE

    Post your equipment on HAB!  This video will explain how to list your equipment for sale on the HAB  site!  NO PURCHASE NECESSARY!  Post your equipment with photos, full description, Contact information, Price, Location and MORE!  This is the easiest way to advertise your equipment to balloonists all over!


    • Your location,
    • Your contact information, Phone, Email,
    • Price,
    • Photos, (up to 20MB)
    • Full description.  Year, Hrs, Annual and any other pertinent information

    Remember if you are a member, of the site you will want to click the "FOLLOW" button so the HAB system will notify you via email if someone posts a reply to your advertisement.



  6. Amendment to information regarding the

    FAA Special Federal Aviation Regulations Dated May 4, 2020


    As extensively as we reviewed these Special FAA regulations prior to sending out the information on May 4, 2020, we missed something and there is conflicting FAA information on another.  My signature was on the letter and so I will take full blame and hope that we have not created undue confusion. My apologies.

    Two of our BFA members, Jeff Prestun and Marty Larson took the time to read the FAA SFAR document with the link below.  Both caught the same error.


    The Relief regarding the Flight review is limited in scope to the following:

    Relief granted in this section to certain eligible pilots and crewmembers applies only to persons conducting specific operations for which the FAA has determined relief is appropriate.

    The relief applies to any operation that requires the pilot to hold at least a commercial pilot certificate. This provision will support the continuity of essential commercial operations, which include aerial observation of critical infrastructure, aerial applications (e.g., crops), and private carriage of medical supplies and equipment, which are conducted under part 91, subpart K, and parts 125, 133, and 137.[25

    Additionally, this relief applies to some operations conducted by pilots exercising private pilot privileges, provided the pilot has at least 500 hours of total time as a pilot of which 400 hours is as PIC and 50 of the PIC hours were accrued in the last 12 calendar months. The kinds of operations permitted are those that are:

    • Incidental to business or employment,

    • in support of family medical needs or to transport essential goods for personal use,

    • necessary to fly an aircraft to a location in order to meet a requirement of this chapter, or

    • a flight to transport essential goods and/or medical supplies to support public health needs.

    We have gone back to the FAA in Washington, DC to request clarification regarding both Private and Commercial as it pertains to LTA, but we anticipate the response will be a narrow interpretation which means that this SFAR actually provides no relief for private of commercial pilots regarding the Flight Review.  If you have or will expire between March and June, 2020, you will still be required to conduct a Flight Review prior to exercising  your privileges as a pilot.

    Additionally, the FAA has conflicting information as to when the expiration is for Knowledge exams.  Please refer to your Knowledge test results for the actual expiration of the exam.  The remainder of the information provided yesterday remains unchanged.  Thanks to BFA member Brian Trapp for pointing this conflicting information out.

    Again, my apologies.  I am embarrassed that we missed this information.  We continue to work with the FAA folks to keep LTA in consideration as these types of decisions are being made.

    Please stay safe,

    Mark West

  7. What is my Membership Type?

    On HotAirBalloonist.com your membership type determines a great deal about what you can and can not do.  Many areas of the site are only viewable by certain types of memberships.  Some areas you may be able to view and read but your membership does not allow you to post or reply.  There are many many levels of permission's on the site.  

    Here is a brief explanation of permissions.

    There is an area on this site for every aspect of the balloon world.  Pilots, Manufacturers, Dealers, Equipment for sale, Students, Clubs, DE’s, Insurance, Festivals, Crew, Ride Operators and more.  There are different membership levels for everyone.  Each membership has a set of permissions customized for that membership. 

    The permissions are as follows.

    View a topic,   Respond to a topic,   Start a topic,   Upload a file,   Download a file.

    These 5 permissions have been set for each Category and Sub-Category on the site and for every membership.  To give you a little feel for the scope of this.  There are currently 35 main Categories, 250 Sub-Categories, 12 Modules, and 22 Member Groups.  That is a bunch of settings and there are 5 permission settings for each set.


  8. The following letter is what a new member will receive when they purchase a membership but it is a great overview of the things you can do on the HotAirBalloonist.com site.


    Hot Air Balloonist Membership.


    The Hot Air Balloonist Membership is a great value.  As a member you will now be able to see areas of the site a guest cannot see.  You will also be able to post topics and replies in many areas of the site.  You are now connected and participating with pilots around the country and the world!

    To give you a great head start, here are a few videos you may want to watch.

    The HOW TO video.

    Create your custom Signature. 

    Personalize your Profile.

    Start a new Topic.

    Areas and Features you can now access!

    Full use of the Download Center.  As a Member, you have full use of the download center. Download applications to events, Insurance Forms, FAA Forms, and many other items instantly available to you with a click of a mouse.  You can also upload any forms you want available for others.  The download center can be a very useful tool that allows all your forms to be downloaded by the user who needs those files.  No more emailing attachments.  Just send them a LINK.  They can simply click the link and download your file! 

    Create a photo gallery all about your Ballooning Adventures.  Link your photo gallery to your Balloon event topic in the events category!  Add descriptions of the photos about where and when they were taken. 

    Create a blog about your ballooning or favorite event!  Our Blog center is quite complex and will allow you to be quite creative in sharing your adventures and event.

    Use the Online Chat RoomsStop in and see who is there.  Join or start a conversation with other balloon enthusiasts.

    Write an article about any aspect of ballooning.  Share your past experiences with others.  Help explain something you have experienced firsthand.  Write a short story about one of your balloon adventures.  The Current News page is the perfect place to share stories with the entire balloon world.  You can also find current balloon events that hit the headlines in the Ballooning in the Headlines section of the Current Events page.

    Stick a pin in the Member MapThe Member Map is a Bing powered map with pins from members all over the country.  Have a look around and see where other pilots and events are around the country. 

    Browse the Equipment 4Sale category.  Look for things you may need.  Respond to topics started by others and ask any questions you would like from those who have equipment for sale.

    Start a poll in the Polling forum.  Have a question that you want honest answers.  Go to the Polling Forum on the topics page and start a topic about your question.  Add a poll to your topic for others to choose any of multiple answers you have given.  See the results in a real time format and get an honest opinion since the voting is done anonymously.

    Check on current news on the Current News page.  See new articles written by other balloonists.  See what ballooning events have hit the news from all over the world with our continuous news feed called “Balloon News”.  The Balloon News is located below the articles section.

    Have a look around the online STOREFind items you may not find elsewhere.  There are many items in our store that have been purchased at special pricing for our members.

    Load a link to your favorite online balloon video in our Media section on the Current Events page. Insert a YouTube Video

    Status Updates.  Turn on and post your status updates so everyone will hear from you.  It is a shout out to others right on the front page of the site.  Video Here

    Look on the calendar and find upcoming balloon events, festivals, safety seminars and many other things listed on several calendars available on the site. The Calendars are now connected to the MEMBER MAP so when you post an event, the calendar will automatically post a pin on the map for you!   How to create an event.

    And there is still more!  We are adding more and more each day. Let us know if you need help or have questions. 


    PARTICIPATE..  Use the site and participate.  The entire site is designed for BALLOONIST’S.  We created this site so YOU can share with your fellow LTA Aeronuts.  Log in and USE the site.

    Once again, WELCOME and thank you for being a part of HotAirBalloonist.com

  9. What's NEW

    When you visit the site you may be unsure what has been added since the last time you were here. 

    Showing New.jpgYou may want to know how to identify the new items on the site.  Watch this video to be able to quickly identify the items that have been added since the last time you were logged in.  Also a great way to know what you have and have not viewed on the site.


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