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Everything posted by hotairballoonist

  1. Here is a great page that explains how Northing and Easting works on a UTM map grid. https://www.maptools.com/tutorials/utm/quick_guide
  2. I am STUFFED!  I hope you are all having a great Turkey Day!  Remember tonight you turn on your Christmas Lights.

  3. Version 1.0.0

    1 download

    Sample file made in the video How to make map files using Google Earth.
  4. Version 1.0.0


    Sample file made in the video How to make map files using Google Earth.
  5. Version 1.0.0


    Sample file made in the video How to make map files using Google Earth.
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    Hello all, I am pleased to announce the Great Eastern Balloon Association (GEBA) Continuing Education Seminar will be held on Saturday, March 6th, 2021. This year we will be virtual for the first (and hopefully only) time. The cost will be $20 for members and $30 for non-members. Although we are doing the seminar via Zoom we will still have our traditional break out session. Our speakers are as follows: Dean Carlton - Crew Jeopardy Gordon Schwontkowsk - NYS accident Brad Temeyer - Weather Experiments and a NWS Virtual Tour Mike Depew - Effective and Safe Crew 101 Luke Russell - Maintenance and Repair, Live from his Repair Station Seth Hunter - Chronic Stress and Decision Making Gene Burnstein - FAR's Bert Padelt - The David Blain Ascension Our day will begin at 8:30 am EST and run until 5:15 PM. Breaks and lunch will be a gourmet meal prepared by yourself or a loved one in the comfort of your home. We look forward to seeing all of you virtually. Register for the continuing Education Seminar here: http://gebaballoon.org/events/continuing-ed-seminar/ Dawn Chase and Tony Saxton GEBA CES Co-Chairs
  7. Version 1.0.0

    This video will show you how to build and save map files using Google Earth. Many balloon pilots now fly using applications on smart phones, tablets, laptops and more. This tutorial will give you the instruction needed to create your own KML overlay flying maps. We suggest you make several maps so you can turn on and off the maps you need to use. In this video we show you how to make Green Zones (launch and landing areas) PZ areas (Prohibitive Zones) You may make your own legend. Here is the normal PZ Key (Yellow is No launch No Land.) (Orange is 250 ft AGL) (Red is 500 ft AGL) and (Gray or Black is 1000 ft AGL) Green Zone Pins (That include information like Landowner, gate codes, phone numbers and any other special instructions from the landowner) Target pins (great for competition) and Red Zone pins (that include minimum altitudes and more). The total download is 479 MB, each lesson takes some time download depending on your internet speed. The entire video is approximately 30 minutes long. We have broken it into 5 sections. Other videos that are also helpful are the following. Using the HotAir.app The Follow Feature, HotAir.app Map files, Uploading files, ** Remember, all downloads are FREE for members. Consider getting a membership!
  8. View File Map Creation with Google Earth This video will show you how to build and save map files using Google Earth. Many balloon pilots now fly using applications on smart phones, tablets, laptops and more. This tutorial will give you the instruction needed to create your own KML overlay flying maps. We suggest you make several maps so you can turn on and off the maps you need to use. In this video we show you how to make Green Zones (launch and landing areas) PZ areas (Prohibitive Zones) You may make your own legend. Here is the normal PZ Key (Yellow is No launch No Land.) (Orange is 250 ft AGL) (Red is 500 ft AGL) and (Gray or Black is 1000 ft AGL) Green Zone Pins (That include information like Landowner, gate codes, phone numbers and any other special instructions from the landowner) Target pins (great for competition) and Red Zone pins (that include minimum altitudes and more). The total download is 479 MB, each lesson takes some time download depending on your internet speed. The entire video is approximately 30 minutes long. We have broken it into 5 sections. Other videos that are also helpful are the following. Using the HotAir.app The Follow Feature, HotAir.app Map files, Uploading files, ** Remember, all downloads are FREE for members. Consider getting a membership! Submitter hotairballoonist Submitted 11/25/2020 Category Video Tutorials  
  9. View File Using Windy.com This video will show you how to use and features of the Windy.com site. As a balloon pilot you know how important good weather information can be. This site does a real good job of forecasting winds. Not only on the surface but aloft as well. With a slider that allows you to go hour by hour it seems like a nice little bit of technology to have on your phone tablet or even the desktop for looking at winds. A new and very handy feature is the "Web Cameras" When you select any location on the Windy map you will see a "Wind Staff" open up. You can click on that staff and a details window will open at the bottom of the screen. Over on the left side you will see (if available) a web camera. Great for looking around your area to see if there is fog or rain or other issues you may want to be able to see without having to physically travel to that location. Check it out! Submitter hotairballoonist Submitted 11/24/2020 Category Video Tutorials  
  10. Version 1.0.0


    This video will show you how to use and features of the Windy.com site. As a balloon pilot you know how important good weather information can be. This site does a real good job of forecasting winds. Not only on the surface but aloft as well. With a slider that allows you to go hour by hour it seems like a nice little bit of technology to have on your phone tablet or even the desktop for looking at winds. A new and very handy feature is the "Web Cameras" When you select any location on the Windy map you will see a "Wind Staff" open up. You can click on that staff and a details window will open at the bottom of the screen. Over on the left side you will see (if available) a web camera. Great for looking around your area to see if there is fog or rain or other issues you may want to be able to see without having to physically travel to that location. Check it out!
  11. Version 1.0.0


    This PowerPoint slide show will explain our Event Maps program. There are many reasons for having maps available for your event pilots. More and more pilots are using tablet and laptop programs for inflight navigation. Having good maps can help increase safety and help avoid landowner issue as well as many other benefits. If you run a balloon event you NEED to watch this presentation.
  12. Version 1.0.0


    This video will show you how to find a balloon event in your area using the Member Map.
  13. View File Events on the Member Map This video will show you how to find a balloon event in your area using the Member Map. Submitter hotairballoonist Submitted 11/13/2020 Category Video Tutorials  
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  24. http://www.tetonvalleyballoonrally.com/contact.html
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